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Pintura Graphic Novel

This opportunity leads to something beautiful, funny and intruiging. I am grateful for my contemporary artist and creator John Becaro for giving me a chance to go back again translating our ideas to pen. Expressing our dreams to art form. We thought it is not possible to make it till now that November komikon is near. That was between July and august where the graphic novel Pintura: ang panimulang yugto is existing only in our imagination. If I say I can do, but only limited to this and limited to that. It could only mean a status quo of standing in the same place. Why can't I leap forward to be something? To do something I have never been done before? The fear of the blank pages of the ink that spills and for the strokes of accident that may go somewhere unintended. All that did not actually exists. All that is merely an illusion. Times, day and months are a little faster than our extra human speed. Meaning we have to outrun with time together till the end of October.

That overwhelmed us. It was my first time doing a full time comics illustration. I remember that time where I have to ink John's pencils in 11in. x 17in. vellum board. The time is ahead of us so we both agreed to make it to letter size. Yes also it could only fit on his legal sized scanner. That doubles our speed that we could finish a page sooner Than one day or sometimes depending on the complexity of the page . so to compensate say 75% completion of a page in a day. I make up for an extra hours to come up the complete details into the artwork. In mind I cannot let procrastination steal our time, but still the body is just as weak as we are so I slept well after a long hour of inking or doing pencils. Then I go back again to enjoy what I'm doing.

I remember some of the process that contributes to the production success but due to creator's discretion, the process should remain classified. Sometimes when we pause for a moment, we can't imagine how did we pulled off every thing. We finished the high quality 60 page graphic novel in that span of time . We still have an ample amount of time to do a few marketing collaterals like the teaser trailer I made for Pintura that you will see at the home page of this website.

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